Green Lab Energy is a fully owned subsidiary of Green Lab Holdings, Inc. Green Lab Energy is focused on five primary and synergistic objectives:
  • To eliminate dependence on foreign oil and imported energy sources in the United States within a decade.
  • To eliminate the strategic importance of Middle Eastern countries and the nefarious dictatorships upon which our nation has become dependent for its energy requirements, thereby bolstering national security.
  • To provide an avenue to resuscitate the American Automobile Industry and return these companies to the most productive manufacturing producers and employers in the nation.
  • To reduce consumer energy costs by 35% across the board. This includes residential, commercial and industrial, and transportation.
  • Irrespective of the debate regarding climate change and whether it is exacerbated by carbon emissions, the potential consequences of climate change are clearly not commensurate with the risk of doing nothing. Green Lab’s ultimate vision is, Carbon Footprint Zero, for which we can demonstrate an achievable goal by 2035.

Green Lab Energy has an ambitious and revolutionary agenda. We have assembled a team of professionals who have previously demonstrated their ability and tenacity to achieve the impossible, and have homogenized their business prowess with the very latest cutting edge energy and communication technologies.

What may seem an impossible dream is in fact in its proof of concept phase, and is yielding the indisputable evidence that its programs meet the requisite scalability and economies of scale to achieve the objectives delineated above.

In the interest of full disclosure, Green Lab and its subsidiaries are for profit corporations. We are not pursuing our objectives or making the investments as a part of any humanitarian doctrine or benevolent governmental or non-profit agendas. If our strategic initiatives appear to serve a variety of ultraistic objectives, we obviously believe that that serves to increase the dimensions of our organization.
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